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20 Years PETRANIX AG – 20 years of passion for corporate and financial communications


Founded in 2001, our strategy-orientated consulting and design agency has served as a reliable and competent partner for our clients for 20 years, offering a one-stop shop for customised communication and design solutions – print and online.




Foundation 31 May 2001 as Kirchhoff Consult (Switzerland) AG and based in Luzern, Lidostrasse 6 (Muggenvilla)


Start of the competence marketing to increase awareness in Switzerland as business location


Annual reports, development of corporate designs and logos, etc.


2002 – 2005


In a challenging environment (9/11; Grounding of Swissair), our activities as a new agency gain traction. We soon start supporting various companies in the realisation of their corporate reports. We acquire a new customer who represents one of our longest-standing and trustworthy partnerships until today. First publications, studies, seminars, and workshops emphasise our expertise in the area of investor relations and corporate reporting.


  • 2002, 1st Small- and Midcap Day Zurich, first non-bank investor conference with 12 small and medium-sized Swiss listed companies presenting their equity story at the ConventionPoint of the SWX Swiss Exchange (SIX Swiss Exchange), Zurich


  • 2002, Seminars and workshops «The annual report – the company's business card», Luzern, and «Investor Relations in practice» (topics such as «Understanding the capital market and being understood», «Ad hoc publicity in practice», «Value creation potential»)


  • Several articles and analysis published in leading journals “Finanz und Wirtschaft” and “Going Public”, on topics like Leadership and communication, Perception analysis and investor relations (available in German only).




2006 – 2010


We steadily build on our skills and expertise to further expand: new clients, new studies. We also overcome the global banking and financial crisis having started in 2007.

With the management buyout and the change of name to PETRANIX Corporate and Financial Communications AG in 2009/2010, our repositioning takes place focusing on the 5 competence areas: strategic communication, corporate reporting, sustainability & governance, investor relations, and corporate publishing.


  • University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, lecture on financial communication
  • University of St. Gallen: guest lecture on «Reputation matters»


  • Study «Investor Relations and Corporate Reporting of listed companies in Switzerland»
  • Study «Compensation Committees – and Instruments of management compensation»
  • Study «Determinants of distribution policy», and article in Status Recht (German only)
  • Study on Annual Reports «Value-Based Reporting by SMI Expanded Companies: Trends and Best Practice»
  • Analysis of Annual Reports: Shareholder Letters


Our client Phoenix Mecano receives the ARC Grand Award in New York for their 2009 Annual Report.








2011 – 2015


Our work in corporate reporting is bearing more and more fruits, including further awards and the acquisition of new customers, some of whom have been with us for many years now. All the reasons to celebrate our 10th anniversary in 2011.


  • Financial Communication, MAS Corporate Finance of the University of Applied Sciences, Northwestern Switzerland



  • «IR 2020 – Fresh Ideas for the Capital Markets of Tomorrow: The role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance», Presentation at the IR Conference of the German Investor Relations Circle in Frankfurt
  • «The Leading Annual Reports of the World», exhibition in Zurich, 12 – 20 October 2011, on the occasion of our 10th anniversary
  • «Strong managers – weak owners», article in «Finanz und Wirtschaft»
  • Series of «Communication Specials» on topical themes such as reputation, management compensation, shareholder activism, management reporting and integrated reporting (see overview of our Communication Specials)


Our client SPS receives the ARC Grand Award in New York for the 2014 Annual Report.








2016 – 2020

At our PowerLunches, we present international trends in corporate reporting like Integrated Reporting and design innovations. We broaden our skills in the area of sustainability reporting, and launch our GRI Standard Trainings as a certified GRI training partner.

With our long-standing and new clients, we work on the continuous development of reporting with an increased focus on the equity story, value creation, integrated reporting and sustainability.

Since 2016 – PowerLunches

Series of power lunches on topics such as «Annual Reports – International Design Trends», «Integrated Reporting» or «CEO Communication» in the Storchen Hotel in Zurich, with lively discussions, international guest speakers and convivial exchanges.



Since 2018 Trainings on Sustainability Reporting

  • Certified GRI Standard Trainings
  • GRI update courses
  • Integration of the SDGs into Sustainability Reporting 




We sponsor an accessible family car of Kinderspitex Schweiz in the canton of Schwyz.





  • Presentation on Equity Story at the SIX Investor Relations Conference, 2016
  • PowerLunch «Corporate Reporting 2016 and beyond»
  • Study «Reporting Trends: Design & More»
  • Communication Specials on topics such as Online Investor Relations and Corporate Governance, Equity Story, MiFID II and international Design Trends  (see overview of our Communication Specials)






The 20th anniversary of our agency began under the challenging circumstances of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this global situation, it has become most crucial for customers and investors to have a sound and credible corporate reporting, oriented towards comprehensive value creation for long-term and stable business developments. As we continue to actively contribute to this reporting development, we apply today our expertise in a broad range of industries (biotech, chemicals, real estate, watches, dental technology, finance) for business and sustainability reporting.



Over the past 20 years, our customers have been honoured with numerous awards:




2 Grand Awards

5 Honors Awards

7 Gold Awards

4 Silver Awards

5 Bronze Awards



4 Platinum Awards

7 Gold Awards

12 Silver Awards

5 Bronze Awards


Agency of the year:

Silver Award 2018


2x Overall Rank 1

1x Overall Rank 2

1x Overall Rank 3

3x Value Reporting Rank 1

1x Value Reporting Rank 2

2x Value Reporting Rank 3







2021 and beyond

We are grateful to all of our clients for their trust and cooperation over the years. The achieved success motivates us to continue to be a competent and reliable partner for our clients in the future.









